Welcome to Neanderthal World
A Quick Overview of the Books

The Neanderthals are Back
The books in The Neanderthals Are Back series begin with Neanderthals that are brought back by two scientists with the help of surrogate mothers. The Neanderthals are secretly raised in a lab with the help of a nursery school teacher, and at six, they are brought to a group home.
But their secret is soon breached when they are discovered by the cops and the media.

The Rise of the Force
When three detectives learn how well these Neanderthal employees are working out, they pick the six best to help them find and catch criminals.

The Rise of the Gang
The leader of a criminal gang learns about the team of Neanderthals working for the cops. He decides to create and train his own gang of Neanderthals, who will help them commit crimes and protect their gang members from the cops.
Eventually, the New Neanderthals Gang comes into contact and conflict with the New Neanderthals Force.

All My Neanderthals
All My Neanderthals provides an introductory taste of these first two books in condensed form.

Who Are the Neanderthals, Really?
A book of images of the Neanderthal in history and in modern day cartoons. The first part features images of Neanderthal skeletons and bones, reconstructions of the Neanderthals’ appearance, and recreations of their way of life.
The second part features cartoons of Neanderthals, including cartoons were traditional Neanderthals meet modern day technologies.

The Return of the Neanderthals
A series of interconnected stories that begin when a paleontologist brings back some DNA from a Neanderthal burial ground discovered in an archeological dig in Northern Europe.
He then works in secret with a scientist friend to bring back six Neanderthal babies using stem cell, cloning, and CRISPER techniques, along with the help of some surrogate mothers.
After the Neanderthals are raised in a lab with the help of a nursery school teacher, they are placed in a group home, where an unexpected incident leads to their discovery and a media story about them.
In the next story, the owner of a robot factory learns about the success of the first group of Neanderthals and decides to create a workforce of Neanderthals to replace the robots in his factory and shipping facility.
After that program proves successful, detectives think the Neanderthals could help them in crime fighting so they recruit and train a team of six Neanderthals to help them find and capture elusive criminals.
In the third story, a criminal gang leader learns about the Neanderthals working for the cops, and he decides to create his own gang of Neanderthals to commit crimes.
Elizabeth Warren gives the neanderthal book series an enthusiastic THUMBS UP!
A Coming TV Series and Film

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