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The second of the series of stories that build on the story in The Neanderthals Are Back.

The book begins after the leader of a criminal gang learns from the media about the success of a team of Neanderthals who are helping the cops find and capture criminals. He decides to create a criminal gang of six Neanderthals by obtaining Neanderthals who have been raised to be part of a workforce by the same robot company that provided the cops with their team.

The gang leader and his associate will then train these new recruits m to commit crimes, such as robberies and hits for revenge, help criminals escape the police, and undermine the efforts of the New World Neanderthals Force.

The Rise of the Gang describes how this new gang in recruited and trained. Then, they go on their first two assignments. The first is to steal a marijuana shipment from a rival gang. The second is to help the gang leaders collect protection money from store owners.

But can the New Neanderthals Gang accomplish these missions successfully?

And what happens when they encounter a series of challenges in undertaking both assignments?

Check Out the Other Books

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