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“Who Are The Neanderthals, Really?” consists of a collection of illustrations and commentary about Neanderthals from Paleolithic times to today. After an introduction describing how and where the Neanderthals lived, the book features about 100 illustrations divided into five sections:

  • scientific discoveries
  • reconstructions of the Neanderthal’s appearance
  • recreations of Neanderthal life and art
  • cartoon images of Neanderthals
  • images of Neanderthal’s in today’s high tech world.


Each section of photos and illustrations is introduced with commentary. The images present an intriguing picture of the Neanderthals from paleontologists, anthropologists, historians, social commentators, and artists.

The book concludes with a short bibliography of books and articles about Neanderthals, and you can read a short introduction along with fictional stories of a few Neanderthals growing up in modern American society in The Neanderthals Are Back: The Beginning.

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